Tokyo Decadance Halloween


At the internship
I watched the Beauty & the Beast,
it always cheer me up
when I am a bit blue .
It is my favorite Disney~
It make me hoping people can change for better
if we support.
 Also since 2 days, I started to be deeply sick again, 
the acupuncture session has been totally useless as much I was stressed, anxious
during the night I had the biggest headhach ever.....
Plus nausea, sleeping did not help I had to get meds.
Muscle in the arm in the morning blocked, bleeding nose, nausea, headhach, burnt eyes, 
bad mood, lack of sleep , cramp in the neck....
I was wondering  if I could only awake to go to work
Finally I took ton of meds, thanks to my friends who cheered me up,
it was hard , but I have been able to do my day .

Tonight it is the full moon, 
just perfect for Halloween~
I will transform in a were-piggy 8D

Make up, 
was lazy to wear my spider's web lashes ^^"

On the metro 8D

A guy , it is not to be "racist",
but he was obviously muslim,
and asked us " what is Halloween, why ? "
I started by explain it is basically christian,
with pagan (celtic) roots.
The guy seemed surprise
" why party ? It is not happy"
I continued telling in Mexico,
they celebrate "Día de los Muertos" ( the day of the dead)
(wich is the 2nd of november if i remember well and it is similar but not the same !
for the 1st of november they have like us the " Día de Todos los Santos" ( day of all holy ) La toussain)
and it is very colorful and happy, 
it is not about terror like the american one ^^
The guy seemed confused
" but happy during a day like that ?
when your relative are dead ? "
So Manue  continued telling simply it's more to celebrate,
to keep the memory of our deads....
It is my own opinion, 
but by what I have experienced, 
more people are into a religion-movement,
they do not do research about the religions-tradition
they are caged in their own world.
It might be a cause of the conflicts we are living and we lived in the past too
people are not enough attentive, respectful and open ._.


We arrived around 1am
with a Sisen's show.

Down stairs the mushroom's room 8D
It's psychedelic, a bit hallucinogenic as feeling with the smoke around
it has a little bit side of Alice in Wonderland XD

La machine 

We rested a bit on sofa

Goind back upstairs,
I met my old wesh-wesh lolita friend Elodie-Nightmare 8D
I was glad to see her again, last time was 2 years ago at the Halloween TD too ^^

Manue Playing

Here too -_-

Small show with Adrian & Kengo

Tricorne: off brand bought in Venise
Bolero: Jesus Diamante
Corset: UK Corsets
Skirt: offbrand bought in London
Shoes: Bordello
Red Ring: Alchemy Gothic
Necklace: offbrand

Some photos took by pro'

Also something funny:
I usually go with my friend "ChiKita", and  her boyfriend and his friend.
so we usually are girls with boys, 
so I was not often annoyed, or only to ask photo together.
But last night ! We were 2 girls alone... OMG ._.
I am someone very uncomfortable with unkown personns in parties like that
I am not a very tactile personn basicall, 
not even with my family or friends ._.
So when first a guy put his hand on my bottom I just went away,
then I was dancing with Manue, a guy dressed up like a roman soldier (antic)
graped my arm I had a jolt and felt embarrassed, wanted to set free my arm when 
he approached he head to tell me he just wanted to give me a "baise main" ( kiss the hand),
so yeah, at least it has charm lol, a bit elegant, it changes that other rude flirts XD
Almost a romantic-cliché , but I like ^^
Then, continued to dance, a giuy arrived , grapped me the BOTH arms XD 
and tried to "dance" with me, but like...
A very non-catholic way XD
Sorry, I do not like to jiggle like a whore especially if it is 
not my boyfriend and an unknown guy ...
I felt very embarassed , just wanted to leave far from him.
But the best is coming !

Went back down stair with Manue, sit,
she went to get a drink, 2 cutes guys sit on the same sofa ,
but much more interested by girl short-slut-dressed,
as usual, yeah, I felt over dressed once again XD
Very prude with my long skirt and my bolero wich cover my shoulders.
Few mins after, watching people dancing, we saw a guy
dancing with a bloody-girl, was very HOT XD
After, with 2 girls and  "Go ahead and I'll raise your skirt to touch you "pussy" "
( I try the right words ! XD)
Here we go: the dance finished he  walked around us and fibaly sit on the sofa,
started to speak with Manue, wich, annoyed, told him " Her ! She is free "
The guy tried with me, then I explained I was not.
" But you know I have myself a fiancée too, and  3 lovers/mistresses"
I though " OK ..... ! "
" That is nice for you, but I love my guy, there is him and ONLY him :) "
My tone was obviouslt enough strong , because he
did not insiste more,
but tried back with Manue XD
Last tentative, by proposing to offer drinks,
Sorry I do not drink ! So can not be drunk to say "yes" !
( By the way, I went to parties when 14years old ,
and tried to drink I do not like alcohol at all, and was only tipsy once,
not even drunk, was lucid and remembered everything so still, not really chances even if I
tollerate more things and I am weak lol)
He finally left.
Last , and funny, thing,
waiting for Shina and her friend to go back home by car,
A girl came and approached her head next to mine like to kiss, I thought I knew
her, so I accepted, and give the check , but then I realize I did not know her  XD
The guy she was with here, kissed me too and both left immediatly after...
I did not get it but was fun-cute XD

In the middle of the party they started a Para para show with "Night of Fire" 8D
I could not remember all the choregraphy but was fun,
I did not dance para para since ages
and was strange to with a gothic-vampire outfit.

Just before to leave around 5:30am,
Selia started to sing/div>
then we left.
Shina proposed to drive us  back at my place, we gladly accepted.
We undressed up, I took a shower, removed the ton of make up ( my skin started to breath again ! lol)
and we fell asleep immediatly lol.
But I was a bit worried, the cat I look after and feed , the one as usual of neigbour,
Was not back home, I called her, it started to rain, 
but nothing,
Fortunately this moning she was back,
but I woke up at 1:00pm because of a strong hail storm, 
and thought about her :S
But I think she knew where to stay protected ....Fortunately

Last purchases


Received a Jesus  Diamante bolero
from a girl in UK ^^

Package was very well done and smelt perfume <"

 Missed my train so went to Claire's
get some things I looked at.
It's cheaper tha Krepswille,
and not lower quality actually,
Just, at Kreepsville666 they have that skeleton 
chocker made in blings and metal,
it looks better ... I will think about.

Skulls hairclip

I found that piggy which made me think of the
this pix I found while ago on web:


Cinema: Skyfall


Got this morning an other piggy girl :p
the seller even added stickers^^

Also got a book to learn Elvish <3 p="p">
It is even quite harder than latin by what I foliated, 
in geman tehre are 4 declinaison,
in latin ( which I know too well by experience -_-)
6, and here , 10 !!!! o_o
Are you serious Tolkien ?!

Parents decided to go to cinema for the last James Bond, 
I am not fan but was nice to go out with the family.

I finally was gladely surprised,
I liked the movie!
Especially seeing Shanghai again, 
at a moment he sit in a Bar, we went to this one with Darling last summer
Also saw there is "only" casinos and prostitutes at Macao XD
Wich is not wrong ( Bitchies in Macao .... :p )
but it is only the image that western have from that island,
it is a bit unfortunate because the portuguese part is very pretty.
But was I prefered was maybe the part at Skyfall, 
so british ! so gothic !
I would like once to have a photoshoot in this kind of background/landscape.



After girls, went to the Toy's Village of Joué Club,
I wanted to buy an High Monster doll I found on web, 
and fall in live with her halloween Make up.
Plus, pink and black,
made me think of MA*RS but with the gothic touch~

Windows display

I love the barbies of the year ^^

.... Yes you do not "dream"
It is Bella from Twilight XD

Grace Kelly Barbie is not bad
I love her dress .

How Bratz copiez High Monster
 after High monster copied them XD

Draculaura is mine <3 br="br">I love vampires ~
Even before twilight,
I wanted so bad to watch Dracula !
God ! I had to wait from mom to agree I watch it -_-
It became one of my favorite movie *_*

PIGGY GIRL!! <3 p="p">
Passed at Kiko :p


I know I have a lot of eyeshadows already but noth these ones :p


Bought a non-coloured powder,
because even the ligher one is often to dark for my skin
and I look orange -_-

I tried quickly the make up for the Tokyo Decadance ^^