Holidays in Spain: Vol 7 + Visual kei

Visual kei = Death
Few days ago I heard « Daisuke died !”
I was not surprised but “ one again …”
Jasmine you [Versailles PQ- 9/08/2009], hide [X-Japan- 2/05/1998], Kamimura [Malice Mizer- 21/06/1999], Shaisuke[Baiser-16/07/2001], maybe some I don’t remember and don’t know and now Daisuke .
I went to the last Kagerou concert @ Paris, tht's why it's maybe a bit strange.

I’m afraid for someone ._. Too much work …Too much pression !

Few years ago I was a crazy fan girl I admit ! XD
But ...It's better to be fan girl at 14 y/o than at 40y/o ^^""
Now I'm just jaded ._.
I'm happy to go to a concert and spend a good moment with friends, the sames for dédis ... But not more...
I was able to cry because I missed a concert, now ...I'm squarely tightwad.
Even if it's Gackt or X-Japan, when it's more 40€ ... NO ! I prefer spend this money in Japan or a present for Darling ._.

Well, I went to Perpignan, my mother needed to come back to Paris, my grand aunt had a problem and she is at hospital.
So I’m came back to spain with my father and brother ….And had my first driving lesson !
It’s not so bad to drive but …I need to practice.

Now days-10 before Tokyo !
My Daddy loloche is stressed ! Me , not …. Yet ! XD

Oh and ! Shame on me ! I didn't continue the BBF's adventures .... To much busy T_T

[ Old adventures xD]

2 commentaires:

  1. tsais ce qu'il te dit le Daddy Loloche stressé? T-T

  2. xp
    Daddy peu stressé , mais la veille de son arrivée à paris , là daddy se fatigue pour rien <3
    va matter des kaamelot =D
