Holidays in Spain: Vol 8 + Wedding Theme

After Perpignant and before driving lessons,
We went to Figueres ( again and again XD) just because … -_- what do you want to do there ?!

There are only 3 chanels on TV ( and even not Spanish or catalan chanels -_-“ ), I don’t watch TV so … I’m on the computer ( to discover what ? a “poufiasse” in underwears on her bed for “darling” who taints my life, if your is not enough that’s not my problem, I just wish a bit a respect ;_;) or reading, studying … Ok But I can do the same when I’m Paris.

[ Baby Fululu is trying to drown herself in the shower]

Yes I’m making a fit. I’m just too much tired, and I think meds I take are not enough in fact.
I need a solution, but more the departure for Tokyo hangs over, more is hard.
A friend asked me earlier “ Then ! Impatient for Tokyo ?! =D “ Yes and no.
Impatient to meet again persons I love and I saw in December but no because …It will be a trek to meet my “ Sunshine” and for a limited time … 9714.482 kms and $$$$ for what ? Something maybe harder than via web.
My last trip at Tokyo was not “wonderful” just “good”, I this this one will be the same. *sighs*

Well, I passed front a little shop I love, where I bough some wedding articles ( hair accessories ) and I cannot resist to take a photo of the wedding dresses.

Im in my “wedding period” for a few days lol, I just need to bought a wedding magazine for it x)
This one was not super interesting for me , it was especially about the “ reception”, and me I only want to drool front wonderful wedding dresses =3
( Actually , I don’t care about a big reception ._. …. Just my future husband me and my amazing wonderfull dress … It will be enough for me XD on an island *o* … XD)

On this issue I was especially focused on the cakes x)

[ Now it's ready to eat !!!! <3>

Today , for the sport part, I went with my brother to Castelló d`Empuriés ( around 10km from where we are)with bike by the natural park.
We missed our father “ but I’m at home !” well … come back at home XD

[ On the road of the natural park, I love this tree]

[ The poor dogs here for the horses ]

[ this little dog was so cute ! ]

I'm sorry ... This blog was especially for my trips and fashion school,
but it became a banal blog about my sad and uninteresting life ><

The new character of the BBF & Koala's adventures =p

2 commentaires:

  1. Triste vie, triste vie... T'as pas a te plaindre hein! et puis tu te serais évité bien des emmerdes sans Koala
    Par contre tu peux dire whore à la place de pouffiasse c'est aussi puissant :p
    (et je ferais en sorte que le voyage soit beau tu m'as oublié moi bougnasse! :D)

  2. ouais bah ... moij'avais add le myspace comme pour les autres groupes ... ;_; c t innocent

    ah ui mais jaime bien pouffiasse tu comprends c'tellement plus frenchy x)

    Oui non toi j'peux pas t'oublier
