Hubby Birthday


20_05_2013 (1)
Happy Birthday to my Hubby today :)

  20_05_2013 (14) 20_05_2013 (20)
I dressed up today for the occasion
with all his presents he offered to me actually,
the dress and the necklace.

20_05_2013 (24)

  20_05_2013 (25)
I went under the rain to buy cakes XD
and wrote a B-Day card x)
With english mistakes ( I mean very stupid one) in the hurry.

  20_05_2013 (33) 20_05_2013 (34)
Nuts cake and raspberries tart :p

20_05_2013 (35) 20_05_2013 (36)
Mini Fireworks canddles 8D

And Hubby sent me a message when I was in the living room
( and him in the bed room XD)
<3 p="">

Shopping & Cinema


19_05_2013 (17) 

Today went to the shopping mall 
for shopping and cinema.

  19_05_2013 (5) 19_05_2013 (18)
Today's outfit

19_05_2013 (21) 
I rarely try before to buy,
but I saw 2 similar dresses,
so, it was a must to check which one fits the best.

19_05_2013 (27)
I love this one too è_é
Especially the pattern

  19_05_2013 (25) 19_05_2013 (26) 
Before cinema, 
dinner break, at the healthy Mc donald XD
Why, by the way, the only indicate the Kcal for women?!
what about men ?! -_-

19_05_2013 (29) 19_05_2013 (31)
Tonight , Evil Dead ,
I never saw so much red in a movie XD
And there are some funny parts , well , I laughed .

19_05_2013 (33) 19_05_2013 (35)
Some purchases :3

Job & Cinema


18_05_2013 (4)
Today on the afternoon;
I had to work in a new family.

  18_05_2013 (1)
Today's Outfit

18_05_2013 (2) 18_05_2013 (3)
There are three kids,
but the youngest sister,
was at a birthday party.
I only met the 2 boys.

They are very lovely and well educated ^^

I came back earlier, so we got ready to go to the cinema
for The Great Gatsby.

18_05_2013 (5)
Movie was nice, Daisy is such a bitch,
Jay a stupid too much optimist x) but that's what made him happy.
The hope, until the end.
Visually, it was the best, costume, backgrounds, landscapes...
Everything was perfect, you were totally in the art deco era,
but with a very modern touch.

18_05_2013 (6) 18_05_2013 (7)
Cloudy sunset after.
18_05_2013 (8)

Daly job & Cinema: Stoker


17_05_2013 (15) 

Today's outfit to go to work and 
to go to cinema with Hubby.

  17_05_2013 (9) 17_05_2013 (8)
The weather was better, 
so, "spring" outfit.

17_05_2013 (13)17_05_2013 (16)
I went to claire's :p
And Camille came at the shop to bring me
the bag I ordered thanks to her GO at Swimmer.
We went to have a walk around, and ate and Ice Cream

17_05_2013 (14) 
We met at la defense,
to watch Stoker.

I was good, and very elegant, 
not to muche dialogues all by image and suggestions.

17_05_2013 (10) 17_05_2013 (12)
The both quotes from The Vampyre Virtues-The Red Veils- by Father Sebastiaan.
of the words I have read today .



08_05_2013 (1)

Because I had a "correct" face today at job
and also because it's rare XD

  08_05_2013 (2) 08_05_2013 (3)

08_05_2013 (4) 08_05_2013 (5)
walking around,
I wanted to go to Notre Dame,
and see in there was a mass for the Assumption od Mary's day,
I love the sacred songs and the chorus,
yesterday I heard Kyrie Eleison , on of my favorite one.
But today, too much people :s

08_05_2013 (6)
Corn pool for kids.
Currently there is a kind of "exhibition" about Boulangeris and
the expertise of bread .

  08_05_2013 (7)
A tourelle on a street corner.
I need to look why and how it is still here.