Fashion show at Japan Party con: Day 1


06_04_2013 (6)

Hello !
Today I went to the convention Japan party 3rd edition.
I was model for the brand Fleurs d'Ascenseurs

 07_04_2013 (9)
Outfit for the day:
Dress: New Look
Bolero: Jesus Diamante

06_04_2013 (22)
When I was going to change the bus,
I saw that,
Wonder if it will be better ,
well, deeper,
than Twilight.

06_04_2013 (24)
Have a pass !

06_04_2013 (25) 06_04_2013 (26)
Stands & Makeup

06_04_2013 (27) 06_04_2013 (13)
Got my makeup done.

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Photo by [HR] Photo
On the stage !
Cosplay show took more time than planed,
we started  later ><

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After the show ,
Marie, the designer,
took some photos after the show

I quiclky changed to go and meet Hubby at La defense.

06_04_2013 (28)

Exhibition outside.

06_04_2013 (29)
We passed to Toys'ur us
and I could not resit to buy some things for the new appartment,
As Justine offered me some money for my Bday and to buy things for the apprtment x)

06_04_2013 (30) 06_04_2013 (31)
Had dinner at Mc Do and a turn around;
Found the present for dad, the last season of Sons of Anarchy 8D

Lastest Purchases:

06_04_2013 (33) 06_04_2013 (32)
Pillow & Blanket, towels bath set

06_04_2013 (34)
and a glitter lamp 8D

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