Japan Party : day 2


07_04_2013 (8)

Second Day at Japan Party for a second fashion show !

  07_04_2013 (10)
Outfit of the day:
OP: Angelic Pretty
Necklace & Bolero: Jesus Diamante.
Shoes: Bordello

It was funny when at the end of the fashion show,
I dressed up back and some lolitas, who were also models for an other brand,
looked at me like " O_O ! She is lolita ?!"
I could not be sure if it was a look as:
- WTF ?! How come ?!
-Bitching look
-Surprised look
But was really funny , no one of them came to speak or else,
they just stayed here, looking at me  -_-

Anyway ! 8D

  07_04_2013 (11)
Was the first today for the makeup

  07_04_2013 (16)
Model, MUA, Designer x)

  07_04_2013 (15) 07_04_2013 (18)
Models are ready 8D

We started at the sa


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Photos by [HR] PhotoKokoro Picto

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Photo by the Designer of Fleurs d'Ascenseurs , Marie.

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Photos by Kokoro Picto & The (A)live Project

After some photos,
I left the outfit to come back into myself and be redy to meet
Hubby at La defense, again x)

  07_04_2013 (20) 07_04_2013 (22) 07_04_2013 (23)
Soft make up,

With Darling, we passed  at Maison Du Monde.
07_04_2013 (24) 07_04_2013 (25)
I saw some very interesting item,
I will think about it when we will be in the new appartment x)

07_04_2013 (26)

Also, again,
Mc Donald for dinner x)
I did not eat anything in the day except breakfast;
I was so hungry !
But now I will stop a bit about Mc Do XD

2 commentaires:

  1. Wah, tes tenues étaient chouettes ! Et j'imagine bien la scène, avec tous ces gens qui te regardent...

  2. Merci ^^

    C'est moins impressionnant cette scène que lors du Vampire ball XD je sais pas pourquoi ...
