Happy Valentine's Day


14_02_2013 (4) 
Happy Valentine's day to everyone !

  14_02_2013 (5) 
Got lovely words this morning by Hubby <3 br="">And he ordered this outfit to me as present  *_*

  14_02_2013 (2) 
Mom Bought me chocos 8D

  14_02_2013 (3) 14_02_2013 (6)
I was totally out, 
and watched 2 movies XD
The new episode of Once Upon a Time and 
the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
It's been a long time I have not watched teh secodne one.

14_02_2013 (1)
Also, the french rock group of Indochine
made a new album, 
here, one of them song is called Wuppertal...
It was our first meet with hubby, 
the May 8th 2009 in Germany, Wuppertal 8D

What a Memory!

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