Lolita World + life

A few days ago,
Moderators on the Lolita_Secrets agreed to post personnals attacks.
Usually there are only 30 secrets Max, but this week : 93 !!! xD

The most funny, to me, is not the secrets in themselves (even if some are so reals...),
but the girls who speak about them after this publication.
Unfortunately I only can speak for french Lolitas, but it's good enough "funny".
Why ?

- A majority think that Lolita "world" is Carebear-land
... Yes but NO, before to be lolita girls are human ...

- Some Secrets are true. I'm sure a lot of girls think the same but don't say.

- " It's not nice to talk crap behind the back" => Sometimes it's the first girls who do it.

- Maybe the fact that's anonymous, it's more frustrating, that's why so many gals are angry, they would LOVE to know who writes that, to have a name, a face and , why not, take a revenge on the autor.

- It's funny to see how on forums (french for me so, I don't know for others) all girls are sweet. If you read, you can think that they all are friends. But no ....
I realize, no I knew it actually, I see all the Hypocrisy there is .

I don't know if it's funny or scary actually ... xD

For my part, lolita secret about face was not really nice indeed, even if I think that some girls are not beautiful for me ( but as you know, beauty is subjective, and for love and friendship, inside)But a face is not a dress ... You can't change it.
It's not your fault or a mistake taste. So I won't say something about face.
But when I saw some lolita who are "fat" ( eh sincere ...)and who wear dress to small for them ...I say, it's ugly !

Clothes are here to highlight the person, not the contrary.
The only one person who is here to show the clothe before him/herself is the model on Podiums during fashion show.

Even with a unruly face, with a few superfluous pounds, you can look good in lolita.
I saw some lolita who are not skinny at all and who wear corset perfectly! They have pretty face too.
But with correct model cloth and correct style.
For my part...I don't look good in sweet lolita or some short gothic lolita models.
Well ... Ok I don't wear, I can stay myself even if I don't wear all I like.

Well ... I'm in good mood today I give you the link =p

A last little thing about my "wonderful life" lol.
Last saturday I went, with my brother, see "Alice In Wonderland " by T.Burton.
Very good !
Landscapes and costumes are amazing as usual.
The story is of course a bit different that the original written by L.Carrol, but interresting.
More mature and the message inside, is not really understandable for children ( I saw children who were 4 or 5 o_o ).

To be oneself, learn that sometimes we must to say "no", decide oneself of our life.

I'm too lazy to write more today, I'm sorry.
I will write more for the movie's DVD lol.

Week-end life.

Hi !
I'm feel soooooo bad today. I'm sick I think.

I hope I will be
better for tomorrow and come back at school.
I'm watching (again and again) the movie Legally Blonde.
I really love it, especially when I'm feel bad, emotionally speaking.
It makes me good at the end lol.
It's the first time I'm watching it in english and without subtitles
...Weird xD

The character of Elle Woods is so sparkling, positive and strong.
She has a good heart and friendly values she won't break up.
Her "superficial" side is very pretty, it's not because you love fashion,
"light" things , parties...That you're stupid, nor serious, not
courageous and not here for others.

In the movie she has a lot of pink accessories, clothes and other things,
So it made me think to decora and hime fashion style but more soft XD
I love this kind of thing even if it's too much pink to me but I realized
I have some things like that I'm using everyday ....

My phone case by Hina from Hearty&Hearty
My DSi and my phone x)

Alice, Lolita & Cie

Helloooooooow everybowdy !
( Imagine with a wonderful french accent XD)

I went to watch Lolita communities on LJ and some lolita blogs.
At this time THE subject of meetings, reviews, etc is " Alice in Wonderland" by our dear Mr. Tim Burton.

Well, first, I love T.B's work, it's a great realisator, everytime good casting, good subjects and his own point of view of the world is very delicious . Lol

For this "célébration" Lolitas dressed up in .. ALICEEEEEEEEE.
Of course, like some are very imaginative it's " blonde with sax blue dress and black shoes" ....
Yes but NO xD.
Because this "look" it's only because of the disney movie ...
The real Alice, Alice Liddel was brown and like the lil' girl at this time and she was wearing 1850's dresses, crinolines for women so.

Why Alice is so popular for lolita ?
And which Alice ? The Alice of L.Caroll ? Or Disney ?
A mix of the both I think; A.Liddel because of her Victorian style ? And the blonde Alice because of her childish side ? And the both the irreal and psechedelic world.

[Alice Liddel by L.Caroll]

When I was 16 years old I worked on the both volumes of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Loking Glass.
Children's literature ? I think no. Not at all.
It's like the Perault's tales.
It's to convey a message to adults through children's stories.
(yes because who is reading tales for children before to sleep ? :p)
Perault, it was especially to denounce the reality.
In Alice it's more philosophical and mathematic.
Maybe a bit utopic.
But I admit it's a bit hard to me to speak about it because I don't remember good XD
I read it in ENGLISH, so when you've 4/20 in english ... it's not easy lol.
(But I'm better now XD I'm 19 ! XD)

[Alice Liddel]

Well, when I saw " Today I dressed up Alice-style lolita outfit".... Yes ...
You're doing a cosplay so o_o ...
After some gals are surprised when people say in the street " Oh you're desguised like Alice" ! No comment xD.

[ Alice-Lolita Outfit by Angelic pretty]

In France, we cant see the movie before Wednesday 24th march.
I think for once I will do an effort and go to the cinema for it with friends xD

Victoria Francès

[Victoria Francès]

I discovered her in a french gothic magazine ( Crypt'O'Goth, it was great unfortunately, there are had only some volume u_u and finished!) the article shown some images of her first book , Favole, photos of her and somes informations about Victorias, her insparations, technical ways etc.
Immediatly I'm fell in love !
I bough the 3volumes, soooo wonderful !
Unfortunately, the french translation is very very very bad ! I will try to find the books in spanish when I will come back in Spain, next summer.

But even in french, the story is beautiful, poetic and romantically dark.
She doesn't want to be called "gothic" but we can extrac this atmosphere of our mind when we are contemplating her works.

I won't write a biography with dates etc, because you can found everything on web, so, it's useless ^^.

The story: Across the 3 volumes we are following a young woman, Favole, newly vampire, in her journey through the world (Venice, Verona and Genoa for the first volume) to find her beloved vampire Ezequiel.
Through his quest, she will meet other characters, as Necross another vampire, the nymphs and even a young girl with some little trends Gothic Lolita or EGL.

Vol 1: Libère-moi - Libérame- Free me
Vol 2: Larmes de pierre - Lagrimas de piedra - Tears of Stone
Vol 3: Lumière Glacée - Gelida Lùz - Frozen light

She writen other books too, I let you to discover on the web site

Web site:

[From the web site]

Fashion University vol.7 + Life + drawing

Hellow everybody ^o^/

I'm so busy because of school and job at this time ....
I really enjoy my week-end.

I just finished a fasgion designe project for school (ofcos !)
The subject was: choose 4 illustrators, 4 fashion photos and draw like the illustrators choosen.
For my part I took Victoria Francès, the autor of the Favole saga ( I recommend it ! Wonderful drawings and a dark romantic love story), Kaori Yuki, autor of Angel Sanctuary & God Child among other , Quino a spanish humorist, autor of Mafalda and Aya Takano a japanese artist.

For the photos I went with a friend to the Père Lachaise cemetery for a mini-photoshoot and for the children photos I scanned the magazine Jelly Mama ( a mag' for the young mothers who are gyaru )

[She is very cute~]

[Kaori Yuki's way]

[Photo by Evelyne, Place: Père Lachaise, Paris]

[Victoria Francès way]

I don't put the others drawings because I'm not really satisfied.
And I must admit ...I'm not really satisfied about the seconde drawing too ...
I won't be surprised if the professor give me a bad result ^^".


I don't have a lot of time for myself unfortunately.
I try to read more ( I bough almost15 books ! And not time to read T_T)
I miss reading so much! I started, a few days ago, a book about the greco-roman mythology.
When I was 11, the mythology ( Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Celtic,...) was a really hobby.
Unfortunately, we don't study it a lot at school, a few months only.

But I managed to finish an other adventure with BBF !

[Dissimilar tastes]