Days off

Week end of 4 days !!! =D

I will "enjoy" it to continue my work for school ...
Fashion design: Child Collection, Summer & Dresses collection, 50's style.
Pattern making: To finish the Blouse in muslin ( and I don't find my "roulette" for my patterns ...How I will finish my collar ?! I think I lent it to somebody who forget to return me it ... T_T)

Saturday I will go with my Chiquita to Tokyo Decadance ^^
I will write more after ( I know I say always that and not article
Just I chose my outfit for this TD. I bought it during my week end in London.

This afternoon, I was in my bedroom, calm, with my love THE computer *o*
(as usual XD), when ... I saw something moving next to my leg .... A big spider ( for France of course XD) .....Sooo scared ><. Fortunately my brother is came to save me 8D. Why boys love so much spiders and insects ? ><>

4 commentaires:

  1. Mon dieu elle est énorme !!!!

    Moi ce que je hais le plsu ce sont les cafard/blattes .. même petites .. y en a plein dans cette région je vais mourir T_T

  2. Mais oui !! XD
    Encore dans un jardin ... Mais là dans ma chambre ! Sur mes coussins ;_;...

    Ah oui ca les cafards ... berk ><
    Mais na mais na ....Quand j'irais à Melbourne je vous raporterais de superbes photos et on se dira tous " quelle chance d'être en France" XD

  3. J'aurais fait une crise cardiaque XD

  4. Fululu voit l'arraignée: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh * court hors de sa chambre*
