Order got !!


Nothing really interesting currently.
I started my advent calendar.

Today I got my GO did with mt wife Evy~

But I had the unfortunate surprise to get custom fees, 
for the first time ><
But it was ok, only 26€

Paniers for Rococco and Robe à la Française =D

cage petitcoat.
I would like to try "Ero-Lolita" if there is a Tokyo Decadance.
And I was to lazy to make one myself  :p
I could use it under my other lolita dresses, but it is a but too much long
for most of them  ._.

Bolero and Chinese inspired skirt

Qi Lolita

Because Grisounet is pretty happy and cute ! XD

I had a baby sitting too ><
The kitty was taying all the time front TV while boys were playing 
with  theWii :p

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