Relaxing Sunday & Nail Art


Mom went to Ladurée and got us some Macarons and Marshmallow
To be honnest, the rasberry ones were not soft at all,
but the chocolate and vanilla , were ok.
On the other hand, the marshamllow were not as yummy
as I expected for Ladurée.
I am a huge fan of Marshmallow,
but not of these ones ^^".

I finally had the courage to try
my new UV Nail machine.
Unfortunately, I will soon have a lack of finishing liquid 
and transparent gel :s

I cut my nails very short, and extended them not much
to be confortable working .
I am not totally satisfied with the result, 
I failed some fingers XD
but with more practice I should succeed next times.

After, I took a warm bath, 
and wanted to continue and watch the Roman Mysteries,
but the DVD is against me è_é
and did not want to work on my laptop !
Beauty & the Beast " Kill the Beast"
before to sleep ~

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