Graduated II & Cinema


What a surprise, 
I finally got my second diploma !!!!!!
20_03_2013 (2) 20_03_2013 (1)
I totally forgot about it , since the time !
I am so glad !
Now , I could start my Bachelor next year totally serene ;
This has a value for europe, Bachelor will be international !

19_03_2013 (2)
Also , got a part of my nail art order x)

  19_03_2013 (3)
Justine's Mom came home, for me to give her the make up for Ju'
and She gave me a present from Ju' <3 br="">Justine said i could buy something for my new appartment with <3 br="">
Thanks my dear !

  19_03_2013 (4)
And tonight went to watch the Last Exorcism part II,
Much better than the first one !
But wasted by some stupid teenagers in teh cinema -_-

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