Parents are back


08_03_2013 (1)

I finally succeed,
I cleaned ALL the home,
from the floor to celling !
Spring cleaning ...
I have not been on my computer for days XD
Just ipad or phone.

  08_03_2013 (1)
I finished by the living room,
I had to vaccum, so, to cage the rabbit and put him on the sofa.
The poor baby was straight as a " I" , sulking, thinking he was punished XD
(yes, he is free in our home all the time)

After 4 days of cleaning,
I am happy with  the result.

  08_03_2013 (3) 08_03_2013 (4)
Parents are back from Firenze
and ofered us presents from 8D

Got markbook ( I really needed a new one ! ) in leather,
a... Dalmatian ? bag in fur XD
Very big XD

08_03_2013 (5)
and the Symbol of Firenze in silver <3 br="">

Going to sleep, I continued the serie of
the Egyptian guy , Papyrus,
I read when I was a kid XD

  08_03_2013 (2)
I am jaded,
It was longer when I was kid,
maybe because now I read faster ;_;

08_03_2013 (1)

I am on Line XD
playing with my friend Leno XD
So stupid and simple game but ,
when i bored I like to play that x)

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