Working at dad's place


Today , went again to my Dad's office,
ton continue to learn how it works.

I took and printed ID photos
for some customers 8D
Around 1pm , 
we had lunch in the restaurent of 
one of my dad's client.
21_03_2013 (12) 21_03_2013 (10)
Italian meal today~

21_03_2013 (14)
The pastas were delicious !
But ate too much,
could not even take any dessert x)

  21_03_2013 (15)
Game of Thrones *_*
soon the 3rd season >< !

I passed at Claire's before to back home :p

  21_03_2013 (16) 21_03_2013 (17) 21_03_2013 (18) 21_03_2013 (19) 21_03_2013 (20)
Could not resist x)

  22_03_2013 (1)
Also we celebrate the signature for the home,
and mom brought some cakes ~

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