Cleaning day


I slept late, 
and still a bit tired ,
so, to start these holidays correctly
I cleaned all the room and made a timeline.
I need to throw out some clothes,
clean up my makeup-costmetics-hair corner in the bathroom which is a mess,
fix some jewels, find some objects which desapeared, 
meet my Ju' daughter who came back from Edimburg  for holidays,
a lolita meeting, an other with my friend Katya who come with us at Toulouse last summer, 
read the ton of books I raised since 3 years ( Oh My ... I might first finish 50 shades of Grey ...Still 50 pages x_x) .....
I like being busy !
When I stay all the day front computer, doing nothing else than watching web, 
I feel I am loosing my time.

Yesterday before to leave, 
at my internship they offered me some presents <3 br="br">and a ticket to go to Disney Land Paris *_*
I will make my Disney-land-coming-out soon !!
We wished to do in Hong Kong last summer, but no time ;_;
Maybe next summer è_é

Yesterday I also bought  a small pink X-Mas tree 
with fushia birds before to take my train.
I now need to decorate it  properly ~
Will fit in the new appartment !
(after the renovations work finished ... Started even -_-)

Cleaning I found back , most, of
my tiaras x)

Today I received my new fangs, 
but as I spoke the eve with Father Sebastiaan, 
I think I will sell these ones back 
and wait for a pair made by him .

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