Cooking, rabbit bath & shopping


Since I am back from China I miss something very strong, 
Darling of course, 
but Pastel de Natà-Pasteis de Nata- Dan Tà -蛋挞

I folowed a receip found on youtube, 
it should be with puff pastry but it is quite long to do by ourself
so this time will be with simple pastry

I do not have bigger enough ><

And I made too much " blank"

It is ready !
I know I should be a bit brunt on the top of the blank, 
but I prefer when it's soft :p

I am good enough satisfied with ! 
But next time I will try to find a largest mold
and add a bit mor of sugar.

Ah I made too much liquid,
I made simple blanks.

During cooking pastels,
baby rabby took a bath !
He has been sick and
have not be able to clean himself correctly.

It tooks a while for me to properly dry him to avoid a cold
and brush him good enough to avoid a bowel obstruction because of

Cleaned the bath, and took one myself too,
used salt bath and watched the roman mysteries ! <3 p="p">

As I am a bit tired and not much in
good mood ^^
So to fix it the best way is to shop a bit !
I ordered 2 headbands :p
The first one for causual occasions

This one because it makes me think of
Jesus with a girly touch x)
It is my favorite so far :3

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