Suit: Jacket


I startes the jacket today,
but I sleept till 12:30am =_=

So, second very hard day today,
I hope it will be finish soon...
Now I've fever and nausea ^^"

It's 00:35pm now,
and I just finished to sew the jacket.

I'm so tired and still a bit chocked that ...
I sewn one of sleeves tourned 3/4 =___=


But I didnt give up
even if Evy told me 
"Stop ! Go to rest ! You're like a lil' chinese"

I finally succeed.
I just have a lil problem on seam lines
in the back, of the yokes side.
On the mannequin it's ok, 
on me...Not really.
But I could fix it if the teacher asks.

Now ....Last détails ^^"
I think tomorrow I will rest
especially if same things happens -_-
I'm getting sick and I cant miss school,
Lats week before holidays >_<

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