Beautician & Hair dresser

 Just few days before Darling's arrival, 
so I took a bit of time for myself between
my work and housework,
my parents left for the week-end, so I need to do everything alone
( Please notice I have a rabbit AND a brother who
does not care  about dishes, clothes nore even remove his
shoes when he comes back home)

First, beautician,
I do my eyebrown terribly so it is
usually Justine who does it, not myself.
As Elle Woods says " do things by yourself, except eyebrown"
( Yes it is a movie character, so what ?
I can be superficial sometimes 8D)

Once I will, maybe, do nails here ._.

The beautician is very adorable~
And made a perfect work.
After, Iwent to the hairdresser .

I waited for so long .... -_-

Fortunately I had a magasine~

So , ok I wished my fringe back but the
girl misunderstood my wish ....

But I like x)

Make up of the day x)

and no , I do no wear false lashes ....

Bunny helped me for washing clothes 8D

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