Fashion School 2nd year Vol.19


Coat project in Fashion Design.
We had to choose an architecture and and artist.
For my part I took:
La Sagrada Familia by Gaudì
And Salvador Dalì as artist.

[Fabric library]

[ At school~]

I do love Barcelona, where is the Sagrada Familia church,
( thx Darling for the correct term XD even in french I had a doubt >_<)
 few months ago by Benoit XVI by the way,
and I visited this place 2 years ago .
I felt in love with it =D
except the new part one ... Too much modern,
doesnt fit with the original part for me.
Anyway, I love "old" churchs >____<

For Dalì because ....
Even is I don't always understand the ideas,
I'm in love with is sensibility, colors and atmosphere.

I dislike collages -_-"
but the teacher likes ... o_o


Btw, during one of fashion design lesson
i sketched an other "portrait" from my comic :p'

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