New Leo Jiménez PV & Shopping


Perfect weather *_*

But to go to uni -_-

At least, I am going to teh enw train which passes only once per day XD

Also, today, Leo Jiménez published the new video clip
of one of the song from "Animal Solitario"
No Hay Mas Canciones Para Ti

Even wet, he is still hot :p
I like the song, even if the melody is a bit too much violent for me, 
 but I like the lyrics.
 They published new dates ... I was thinking of going to Spain for Christmas/new Year ...
This give me an other reason too ><
I will see if I found a second job , or not.

Got my keyboeard stickers

And my laptop skin cover *____*

Started teh customization è_é

My new buddy of the day.

A chantelier & a Cat met when going back home.
Dinner ,
it's hard to cook in a so small place -_-

Johnny Depp evening on TV 8DD
I love Sleepy Hollow <3 p="">

I tried to read it but , dear lord, it's been so long I read the second volume ....
As I know the end ( even without reading it, we all know the end anyway XD)
I have no motivation to read the first I finally found XD

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