Movie Day ^o^

Today, cinema day with justine.
I'm arrived the first, I'm went to sit down awaiting for Justine ; and I hurt my foot on the escalators ….
Blood …. It’s starts well !! XD

We started with Sex&the city II.

What can I say … hmm very American lol.
I won’t write a summary, because I think a lot of people will go to see it.
It shows that, each couples, at some point, can have problems, disputes or need to speak.
Not easy and it can take a while to fix problems, but the most important is the communication.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell what we have in our heart, hard to tell the truth ( example: Carrie) but after explanations, it’s, often, better.


Very cute and funny ! Especially with the Mongolian baby, Bayard.
We saw an older boy wich push him at the middle of the field with cows like “ I hurt you but now you’re lost you won’t be able to tell it! =D ahahah!” XD I joke but it was a bit the feeling.
Mari, the little Japanese girl was maybe the cutest but …. OMG !
We saw the babies since their birth till the first “step”, and Mari she has the the bowlegs , I wonder me how she does to walk o_o !
I saw that at Tokyo , women with super bowlegs , hight heels , and shoes too tall …. You can imagine the walk. Horrible XD
Ok some women are not tall and love fashion but , as for big bow …. It’s silly to have fashionable hight heels if it makes you ridiculous -_-“

About big bow I finished mine, big ! lol
But there to look a bit “crazy” was the goal :p
I made a chocker too.

I realized too, my waist was not as usual, I went to weigh and verdict, 49kg ….
2 weeks ago I was 52kg and before april 56kg.
I really need to make efforts …. And the Darling’s support.
Don’t want to go to the hospital T_T

2 commentaires:

  1. alala sex dans la cité u_u
    comment faire une série avec des personnages qui n'évoluent pas, coincés a jamais dans leur période Dawson...(non mais quand même la carrie elle craint du boudin quoi! genre elle a rien appris depuis 10 ans: c'est mal de tromper un peu son homme)
    je l'ai vu et j'ai honte XD

  2. xDDD
    Bah sincèrement j'ai presque plus ris avec Bébés! lol
    puis n'ayant pas vu ni la série ni le 1 ... XD

    (eh eh eh t'as vu la new chansson de pitchounet ? XD et lui " tu sais ce que ca veu dire immolare ?" euhh j'ai fais latin et en français c'est immoler ... prends moi pour une truffe !!" XD
