I am a bit jaded with my nails,
and wish to be free,
plus I should fix it but I do not have my gels here.
I could fix it in a nail salon,
but, it will cost me money and it will least only for 1 or 2 weeks.
So a little review about:
I am someone who is very active and clean
almost maniac with hygyene;
so , in the last hotel especially;
I cleaned everything again.
Darling the days after XD
Darling the days after XD
Of course, easier when I first cleaned..... x)
Also we washed our clothes by hands so ...
Also we washed our clothes by hands so ...
To sumarry I worked a lot with my hands
maybe more than at home with wahsing machine and dishes washer.
After few weeks,
you can see your natural nail which grown up,
it is a but ugly ._.
I lost only 3 diamonds cleaning bathroom XD
But the little finger, if going away.
And I broke one XD
Positive Points:
* It leasts one month
*You can have long and beautiful nails
*You can have long and beautiful nails
*If the art is not too much complex and well done,
you can do most of the housework
*Much more confortable than fake nails in plastic
Negative points:
*It damages a lot real nails under
when you remove them
*You nails under can't breath properly
* Even if it is the most confortable way of extentions
you still feel a bit it is not your own nails.
* The price if you want a lot of diamond or complex design
* You have to go back to nail salon to remove it.
* You have to go back to nail salon to remove it.
LOl !!
All the french mistakes !! XD
At nail salon
I am not happy at all
with teh way they used to remove my nails.
They only removed it with nail cliper !
She did not use any product or liquid!
It was very rude for my nails,
and she did not even did any nail care after .....
I am not happy with thal nail salon at all ._.
But I feel so good to have my natural nails only *_*
After we went to have snack
and I had milk !! <3 p="p">
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