Father's B-Day & other


Today was my father's birthday.
Mom planed to go to Versailles Castle and have lunch over there,
but the weather was not good.

Mom prepapred a big lunch,
and reserved me my favorite icecream falvor *_*

I forgot to take a photo of the cake ^^"

Before to work I customized my headphones
But I need smaller blings
and all with the same size and more ><

Today I got a valentine~
Translation : Flo, thank for being here when we need it ♥
You are a very precious friend, and I thanks the Lolita which allowed us to meet us !

Thank you !! <3

and I almost got a second one lol, in the comments .
Translation:  I love that pix, it's really rétro and she is very beautiful

 Also, I wanna say something to a very nice girl ( for one I do not bitch XD)
She got similar troubles than mines before, 
and came to ask for advices.
I am glad I told my story,
and more if it can help people.

The two last years, I indeed live a lot and painful things,
but now , thank you sluts and bitchies ^^,
I am  so much stronger and it does not affect me at all .
I am in peace with myself and , now, 
I know I am better than you bitch,
I deserve my happiness and you, your sadness and pain :)

To J. , I hope you will be better soon my Dear :)
Some girls are pityfull and do not even deserve our attention <3

We are much better =D

I won my ebay auction about Alchemy Gothic jewels ~
I could go to the official seller, a Gothic shop in Paris, 
but as I said, I do not have a lot of time to go outside ><

Ring, Hope the smallest size will be enough small for my finger.

 I know Alchemy Gothic since my 13? 14 years old ? 
I just fell in love at the first sigh *_*
I love 90% of their stuff ><

earing~ To match with the medieval outfit
for the Medieval event at Provins~

I realized, for June, 
if I stay from 8am to 3am on my DreamV hight heels
running all teh day everywhere ... 
I will die ! XD

So , I ordered these flat ( but not too much) Jesus Diamante shoes =D

A Jesus Diamante bow... because I loved :p

And of course I needed a white bag to fit with the outfit
( OK OK ! I've the Liz Liza white bag ; offered by my Love last  year
but it is faux fur, so, it is not very "estival" :p)

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