Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Tea Party Summer 2013


I am sorry in advance if I cannot name everyone,
I am not good with names at all :(
But please let me know if you appear ! I will add your name/nickname ;)

Today it is the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Tea Party 8D
It is hot today to wear lolita, but doesn't matter.

The outfit
Headdress & JSK& Socks &Umbrella & Wristcuffs : Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse: stolen from Mom's XD
Bonnet: Triple Fortune
Shoes & Bag: Jesus Diamante


Arriving at the place !

Dear Hanako !

Took by Camille x)

Playing with Camille

Speaking with Florianne

There was a pro photographer 8D

With the sweet Angelique !
The Wolvy fans finaly met è_é !

"Fangs's sister "

Champagne Time,
Camille totally in the conversation with Shimi :p


In the hall 

Emmy & Mana Renard

Cat Bra



Camille , being my model to test the flash XD

There was a negative point, 
the food.
We had a large choice of drinks, 
but not enough food for everyone.
Many girls hurried to the buffet, and took 2-3or 4 macarons
when, we knew it after, we were supposed to take only one per person ... 
But the little "verines" were delicious !

Mila, who won the best Baby outfit's contest ^^


The hall *_*


A dress from the new collection.

Vanessa & Aliénor

Camille playing with the board ...
we have to admit It was funny

Clémence, Camille playing, Mana Renard

Clémence, Camille playing again !, Mana Renard

Camille & Mana, posing seriously

Playing to ignore each other

With Clémence, posing seriously


All together for the miror pix

Everyone ~

I havent win any gift at the tombola x)
but everyone had a lovely pendant.

And Bows!

I was tired,
but tried to read 50 shades , Vol 2 ... But impossible ,
I went back to my historic magasine ....

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