Vampire White Court


12_07_2013 (17)
Tonight it is Vampire White Court with my Dear Delphine <3 p="">

12_07_2013 (16)  12_07_2013 (11)
Tonight's outfit

12_07_2013 (19) 12_07_2013 (18)
How nice to get complient about my outfit 
by Father Sebastiaan himself, when I was arriving at the bar.
My friend was already here with her husband.
I love to go to these evenings, 
it's small, and intimate.
Father Sebastiaan reunited us to introduce his next projects.
And his come back to US with the FangVan project !

Here a video made for it !

12_07_2013 (1) 
With Delphine <3 br="">
I have been lucky, Delphine proposed me to
bring me back home by car 8D

  12_07_2013 (4)
What I saw by opening facebook T_T
Why I am not in Spain tomorrow !!!!
ahh! I will miss Leo Jiménez ><

Hope I could attend to the next one .

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