Princess Crêpes with Ju'



In full "burando"

I do not like Lana Del Rey,
I do not know ... it's "her" herself.
But I like a lot some of her songs ._.

We met with Ju at the city hall in Paris

The new trend in Paris, 
to throw up you old shoes ....
It became a kind of "street art"

I wanna live here *_*

We went to Princess Crêpes, 
which make  the Harajuku's way crêpe .
It is not a revolution, it is simple, 
but  here it's really delicious, cheap, the place is cute and the staff is really nice !

Ju was happy 8D
And took 2 crêpes

as I myself did >_<
but it was soooo good ><

Oh yeah !

Ju offered me a  a ROYAL MUG *_*
from london .
I will now have a special mug for my english tea <3 br="">Thank youuuuu <3 p="">

We rock !

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's bears

With the lovely staff !

I, it was a must, stained my dress with chocolate, 
one of the lovely girl brough me  a damp cloth to help me to clean it ^^"

An other Mariage Frères !

Must pass by Nôtre Dame de Paris

<3 p="">

" Look at the sky, everything is possible"

Hello Kitty and Charlie !

Sun set

Contemporain art ....

Must prepare a tea now!
it will be perfect for my new appartment.

2 commentaires:

  1. Rooh où est-ce que tu as eu la tasse ?!! J'en veux une comme ça depuis si longtemps ;_;!

    1. wesh wehs x)

      c'est écrit ma tite léa :p c'est mon amie Justine qui me l'a rapportée de londres ^^
