Going back to Paris


Once again,
hard to awake.
I was so tired, we did not even count 
how many stuff we sold
and went to sleep after shower and dinner XD

I wanna show you the appartment we had 8D

Our bathroom
there were 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms

Kitchen/dinning room


Our room

Big closet è_é !

So great light the morning ,
I stayed 10mins on the window to take the sunlight XD

an other room

The other bathroom with the third bedroom

a big died spider @_@

The organazers brought us back to the airport,

and we waited for our flights

The aiport is nice,
last time I went I was only 4 years old XD
I bought little biscuits for Dad, because

and real violet flowers in sugar for Mom
she loves it a lot ^^

Present from S
Thank you very much <3
He offered the same to Hubby , 
but in black :)

I was a bit desapointed to go back to Paris
because less sun
less hot T_T

But I wish to thanks everybody for this experience
and all the kindness and the care they gave to us ! 
<3 <3

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