National Day


Hubby had to leave for job and will come back tomorrow only,
so I am free :3

Coming back home I passed by Opera,
the weather is cold for summer,
but we had sun, so, it was not so unpleasant.

 I  love that shop " BEABA",
it's a childcare shop *_*
I would like so many things for my children ,
from here.
 I see often that shop but can't remember the name,
it is luxe clothes's shop

 I went at H&M
an tried a dress, but th S was too large,
and no smaller size -__-

 I need to book a "day" to go and see that movie with Darling.

It was the national day today, so many stations were closed,
firtunately I had no problem with mines

Happy National day french people 8D
Qu'on lui coupe la tête !! 8D XD
 I went to Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Paris,
I needed a small umbrella for travels, especially 
for th next ones for China and Spain.
 But I fell in love with this Alice, and the Pirates 
wirstcuffs ...
And I needed black socks.

They had the umbrella, 
I went so often, and it was sold out -_-

Also passed at Claire's

I want to try retro hairstyles with large headbands

 and I currently on flower patterns and
retro style ....
I made crêpes yesterday,
as Hubby left,
the rest is all fore me *_*

I finally finished my iPhone case è_é

Continued and finished my PSVita case

 and Did not restist to customize my headband ...
It is 3:30 am and I am still doing my nails -_-

Finally done è_é !
And, I do not wear tips/nail extentions,
it is my real nails.

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