Spain: day 2


HELLO SUN !!!! <3 p="p">
I do love the view I have from the balcony!
I miss it all the year actually.

Mouahahah *_* so great weather !

We get a strong wifi, but, please look where it is !!!!!
Just front is close, we "just" have the water canal in the middle lol, 
but even, it is still  more far tha if it was the neightbors or at home.
And see how far it is by walk ( ok ok , just 35mins by walk)
How comes ? When I at home it is so hard to get the wifi to my room from living room -_-

I just took the habit to read when we do not watch movies, 
Darling just got the seasons 1&2 of Game of Thrones and we watch again all the Harry Potter's
It is a bit like if the Magic did not finish yet ^^"

what's on the balcony sometimes...

Or we can find dead bat too, 
my brothe found one arriving ( we were still in Paris Hubby and I)
I love bat *_* it is cute and soft ...

Darling Invited me to the chinese restaurent at the city,
there are some show I would ike to attend but no time ><

Empùria Brava by Night

It is all you can eat, but not worth it for me how do not it a lot ^^
By the way, the  waiters changed but there are still some who are not ugly :p
both of them spoke a bit with me " where are you from ? oh really ?  but your spanish is very good !"
Lol ! I know they said it because I am a customer and a bit because spanish is not their
mother tongue, but I blushed a bit lool.
And I got a new fan XD 

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