Petitcoats got~!


Saw Dita on Facebook when I was on the train going to school ....
I am just in love ~
But I MUST resist... I already have too much lingerie and underwears ><

Yesterday I got my order with petitcoats.
Actually it is for Pageant girls, Mini Miss...
So mines are 7 and 4 years old size XD

The proof,
the little neighbor stolen the white one XD

They are of course short, 
but super fluffy ! <3

Today Outfit:
with the petitcoat~
I am super faaaaaaat XD

I was a very busy day,
We had to stay One hour in the atrium to reply the question 
from first and second years pupils,
for them to choose the specialiation during their 3rd year at school
and I had to fix my musline on my daughter Juju.
I was very tired going to keep girls ><

My belated Birthday Present by my Juju ~!
She got a Piggy card *_*
With the money she put on,
I could shop a bit ... I hesitate ...
I think I will buy some books =D

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