Beijin day 5: The great wall


We decided to go to the great wall today.
We took a breakfast the restaurent of the hotel.

I am too much powerfull ! XD

We took a taxi to the bus station,
but he did not dove us to the right "gate".
Darling asked an old man who grap him and
told him like if it was a urgence, " goooo that way ! Quick !!"
It was very funny ! And stressful, because we arrived  , the bus was not even here yet.
We actually had to wait 30 mins, maybe more -_-.

Arrived we went to the Subway and took a lunch x)

I used my super ESMOD International student card 
to get the student discount XD

Camel 8D

Looks like a snake or a dragon x)

YEAH \^o^/

Well, ok ? finish ? 

Un mille patte 8D
Yesterday I saw some to eat XD


Jiminy Criquet x)


Snake !! <3 p="p">

Cigale skeleton

Dragon fly

Something XD

let's go back down


Artificial caves x)

For the last day darling invited me ( as usual actually XD)
at the restaurent with the duck ! <3 p="p">

Yum yum !!!!
I will miss it a lot ><

1 commentaire:

  1. Ces images sont superbes ! j'avoue que je suis bien plus séduites par ce paysage-ci que par les villes chinoises que tu as montrées précédemment ! J'ai l'impression que l'urbanisme chinois rend tout à la fois immense et oppressant, c'est assez curieux comme sensation !
    Et les Chinois ont en effet l'air des sans-gênes comme pas possible, pourtant je n'en ai pas rencontré beaucoup dans ma vie >_<
