Guangzhou day 2: Embassy


We needed to go to the embassy, to get a Visa for Hubby


We went with his cousin and  his Cousin's son,
before we stoped at Mc Donald for a breakfast.
I do not have the habit to go out for breakfast, especially at Mc Do.

Unfortunatelly we arrived and  there were on Strike ...
Since the day we arrived, 2 days ago .... :s

We came back home and will call next days
and check :s

Fortunately we could sit on the bus @_@

2 commentaires:

  1. C'est l'ambassade sur ta dernière photo ? Qu'elle est imposante ! Mais j'aime bien ce type d'architecture communiste, pour une raison quelconque ._.

    1. Non l'embassade du brésil était ds un grand building moderne, ca je ne sais pas ce que cétait mais ca en jette x)
