Guangzhou day 3: Shabu Shabu Games & restau


For lunch we went to a shopping mall
with Darlin's Cousin and her son. 
Exhibition with attractions

Childrend part

Savannah x)

This flower is the emblem of Guangzhou

All you can eat Shabu Shabu 8D

MUSHROOM !!! *_*

Prawns x)

In the middle of the  lunch,
we had a break and went with little fat boy and darling

At the Chinese Toys'r'us 
Harry Potter Copy :p

After lunch went to  and other shopping mall ,
where the fat boy's dad work , 
Hubby and the boy played
to some Videos games XD

Rollers piste :p

I am so bad at that game !

The both boys played so long to this game x)

I tried DDR, and
a lot of people stoped to watch ( like they do with others
players too)
But was the first time for me XD
Darling and little fat boy tried to help me 
but we failed lol

Amount of Koalas 

On the evening,
We had dinner at the Boss's restaurent of the cousin's Husband.

Pumkin 8D

I want to try little piggy buns  *_*

There was other people too, 
but as all spoke  cantonese ...
I did not know who was who  x)

They ordered salad for me x)


Sea worms ,
darling waited for me to eat to tell me what it was.
But like that it was not bad, a bit elastic, but not bad.

Fish eggs <3 p="p">

<3 p="p">
They are cute , no ? !

All that work , 
was actually embroidery

I bought all the book *_*

I am already totally in <3 br="br">

Got eggs fir girls x)

When was waiting for darling out of shower ,
I watched a bit of Harry Potter with his aunt 8D

Little fat boy won that plushie at the "grapping" machines
and gave it to me x))

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