Walking by night , The Hobbit 2 , Mikiko Event

アクミー羽バラ〜アクミー羽 21~12~2013 アクミー羽バラ〜アクミー羽

A little walking around Paris by night
Notre Dame de Paris

The pyramid of the Louvre Museum

The french statues room at Louvre

Windows display with Beauty and the Beast theme

Once back home, 
we worked, again, online on our school project with friends.
This time, an other anonymous animal -_-

What a surprise when I saw un my mailbox
a post card from my dear Lindsey !

Thank you <33 nbsp="" p="">

アクミー羽バラ〜アクミー羽 23~12~2013 アクミー羽バラ〜アクミー羽

Today, we decided with Darling to go to the cinema and a vernissage at our friend's shop.
Mikiko expose some work or the artist Kana Ito

Starting to get ready


I love it  ._.
But quite heavy actually

As I am a lazy girl,
I just decided to wear pony tails.
The outfit is full made with him gyaru brand, for once.
But I really do not look like one.
( first because I am lazy to do the makeup maybe)

Buh !!

Tonight was The Hobbit part 2 8D
So, now , I want a Smaug ( common and very easy to have in an appartment.)
Seriously speaking, as usual, landscapes are nice.
Some specials effects are a bit "too much", as , for the white orc, they could
use a real actor, I guess it would be better.
It's more a "rewrite" than a movie OF the book,
but ... I will not complain,
P.Jackson added some stuffs I appreciate :p

Then we went to Paris, at our friend's shop for the venissage.
There were some people, and it was a bit hard the smalllll shop x)
It was nice to meet again some people and new ones :)

With the sweet Kana ^^
Here her blog, you can see some of her work.
It has a child part, really sweet a cute.
Not really my taste but interesting to see,  it is really japanese.

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